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Bodybuilding jokes

Requested in Health & Beauty by Argo
edited by The Joker

23 Jokes

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How many bodybuilders does it take to change a lightbulb?
Nine. One to screw in the bulb and the other eight hold up the mirrors.
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"Is there a veterinarian around here?" the bodybuilder asks. "No idea. Why?" his friend replies. "Because my pythons are sick!"
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My sister took up bodybuilding. She's so good at it she's now my brother.
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"How do I get to the hospital?" the bodybuilder asked. "Why? You're looking fine," the stranger responded. "But somebody told me I'm all cut up!?"
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Why didn't they evict the bodybuilder from his apartment?
Because he was squatting.
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Interviewer: What's the best protein source a bodybuilder can eat?
Pro: Another Bodybuilder!
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What did the bodybuilder say when he opened his protein rub?
No whey!
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noooo james has been CUT of for spamming :(

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Chris you lift pencils with rubbers on the end

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Why was the bodybuilding farmer arrested?
He was destroying his calves.
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How many bodybuilders does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Three. One to do it and two to chant "you're looking huge man, you're looking huge!"
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edited by MC Jester
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What did the guy say to the bodybuilding cow farmer?
Show us your calves!
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Why did the bodybuilder cross the road?
He didn't. No walking on leg day.
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I love doing crunches.
*crunches Doritos*
*crunches popcorn*
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Do u even lift?
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yes james yes i do lift
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oh hey Chris! you have pencil arms
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i have so many cuts i may as well be an emo
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