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Rock Music jokes

Requested in Entertainment & Arts by a contributor
edited by MC Jester

11 Jokes

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What's the difference between a jazz guitarist and a rock guitarist?
A rock guitarist gets to play 3 chords in front of 1,000's of people, whereas a jazz guitarist...
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How many guitar players does it take to change a light bulb?
One to do it and 9 others to say "I can do that!"
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What has more brains than Kurt Cobain?
The wall behind him
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What rock group has 4 men that don't sing?
Mount Rushmore
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What do you call a guitarist who breaks up with his girlfriend?
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What did one Grateful Dead fan say to the other after their pot ran out?
This band SUCKS, man!
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What is the definition of a drummer?
Someone who hangs around with musicians.
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What's the difference between guitarists and US government bonds?
Bonds eventually mature and make money.
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How many lead singers does it take to change a light bulb?
Only one but they have to hold still while the whole world revolves around them
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How do you get rid of the guitar player on your front porch?
Pay him for the pizza.

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