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Cooking jokes

Requested in Cooking & Food by Argo

9 Jokes

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Two confirmed bachelors started talking. One said "I got a cookbook once but I could never do anything with it. Every one of the recipes started by saying 'Take a clean dish and...'"
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No one says "Guess who's coming to dinner" in Mary's house because 9 times out of 10 it's the paramedics!
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A man tells his friend "my wife's cooking is so bad the family says a prayer after we eat!"
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Why were there screams coming from the kitchen?
The cook was beating the eggs.
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"I'm not saying my wife is a bad cook but my doctor advised me to eat out more regularly."
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Wife: "The two things I cook best are apple pie and meatloaf."
Husband: "Which is this?"
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Why does it take 15 minutes to cook Minute Rice?
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If nothing ever sticks to Teflon how do they make Teflon stick to the pan?
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Shared by Argo
edited by MC Jester

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