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Gay jokes

Requested in Adult & Dirty by Argo
edited by MC Jester

37 Jokes

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Did you hear about the gay bank robber?
He tied up the safe and blew the guard.
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Why did the gay man get a job at the loading dock?
He loved to take deliveries in the rear.
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Shared by If Then
edited by MC Jester
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3 gay guys are sitting in a hot tub and a condom floats to the top. One of the gay guys says to the others "who farted?"
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Why can't you ever get lost in San Francisco?
Because they have AIDS on every street corner.
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What is the last thing a gay mortician does before he goes home?
Sucks down a cold one
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Did you know 70% of the gay population was born that way?
The other 30% was sucked into it.
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How many gay men does it take to screw in a light bulb?
One. But it takes a whole emergency room to get it out again!
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What do gay horses eat?
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How do you say homosexual in Jewish?
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How can you tell if a Western is gay?
All the good guys are hung.
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Did you hear about the gay guy who got kicked off the golf course?
He was playing with too many strokes.
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How many gay men does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Hey, don't let's talk about the light bulb, honey, let's talk about the shade!
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How many gay men does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None. They get screwed in the ass instead!
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What do you call a gay dentist?
A tooth fairy
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What do you call a gay bar with no place to sit?
A fruit stand
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Why don't homosexuals like playing chess?
Because every so often they have to sacrifice a queen.
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Did you hear about the queer burglar?
He couldn't blow the safe so he went down on the elevator.
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How many gay rights activists does it take to change a light bulb?
None. The bulb shouldn't have to change for society to accept it.
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How can you get AIDS from a toilet seat?
By sitting down before the last guy got up!
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What do you call 2 gays in wheelchairs?
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Where do gays park?
In the rear
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What do gay men call hemorrhoids?
Speed bumps
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You're so stupid you thought fruit punch was a gay boxer.
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You're so stupid you thought Dairy Queen was a gay milkman.
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Doctor: I'm afraid your son Lance has sustained a serious neck injury.
Father: Oh my god!
Doctor: But look on the bright side... Your son is no longer a fruit. He's now a vegetable.
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Did you hear about the gay airline pilot?
He got sucked out from the cock pit.
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What do you call 2 straight guys and a gay?
Two tight ends and a wide receiver.
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What do you call a bouncer in a gay bar?
A flame thrower
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What did the gay guy bring to the Christmas Party?
A fruitcake
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What is a good pick-up line at a gay bar?
"May I push your stool in?"
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What did one gay dentist say to the other?
You have the whitest teeth I've ever come across!
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Whats the difference between a gay guy and a fridge?

A fridge doesn't fart when you pull the meat out.

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How do you fit four gay guys on one bar stool?

You turn it upside down
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