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Latest jokes tagged animals

8 jokes
Requested in Society & Nature by JustMe
What do you get when you cross a lamb with a spaceship? The...
8 jokes
Requested in Society & Nature by JustMe
Do man-eating sharks eat women too?
8 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by Argo
What is an elephant's favorite sport? Squash
7 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by JustMe
Why did the bird go to the doctor? He needed tweetment.
7 jokes
Requested in Society & Nature by a contributor
Why did the duck go to rehab? Because he was a quack addict!
7 jokes
Requested in Society & Nature by JustMe
What happened to the fly that landed on the toilet seat? It got...
7 jokes
Requested in Society & Nature by a contributor
What does a female snail say during sex? Faster, faster, faster!
7 jokes
Requested in Society & Nature by JustMe
What do you call a bear with no parents? Rupert the Bastard
7 jokes
Requested in Society & Nature by a contributor
Why should you invite a giraffe over for Christmas? To put the...
7 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by MC Jester
"Time's fun when you're having flies." - Kermit the Frog
7 jokes
Requested in Society & Nature by MC Jester
Why did the rabbits go on strike? They wanted a better celery.
6 jokes
Requested in Society & Nature by a contributor
What kind of horses go out after dusk? Nightmares
6 jokes
Requested in Society & Nature by a contributor
What did the boy octopus say to the girl octopus? I wanna hold...
6 jokes
Requested in Society & Nature by Jokester
What looks like half a hamster? The other half
6 jokes
Requested in Society & Nature by Argo
Why do 2 skunks argue? They like to kick up a stink.
6 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by Argo
What did one pig say to the other? Let's be pen pals!
6 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by a contributor
What is a mouse's favorite game? Hide and Squeak
5 jokes
5 jokes
Requested in Society & Nature by Jokester
how do dolphins get high????? they puff-a-fish
5 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by Argo
What do you get if you cross a teddy bear with a pig? A teddy boar