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Latest jokes tagged clean

42 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by Argo
40 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by Argo
Why do giraffes have long neckss? cause they are compensating for...
39 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by a contributor
I was wondering why the spider was getting bigger, then it bit me!
39 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by JustMe
What is the difference between a man buying a lottery ticket and a...
33 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by a contributor
Why did the 12 watt light bulb drop out of school? It wasn't very...
29 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by a contributor
A woman loves Santa. On Christmas when Santa comes. The woman...
29 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by Argo
G.I. Joe has Chuck Norris action figures.
29 jokes
25 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by a contributor
How do you make a Kleenex dance? Put a little boogie in it.
25 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by Argo
What is the best way to keep dogs out of the street? Put them in...
24 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by Argo
Yo mama so stupid she tried to throw a rock at the ground and she...
23 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by JustMe
Not all men are annoying. Some are dead.
21 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by JustMe
What is the difference between a dry cleaner and a lawyer? The...
20 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by MC Jester
Where did the kittens go on a class trip? To the meow-seum
19 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by Argo
Knock knock Who's there? Lionel Lionel who? Lionel get you nowhere...
18 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by a contributor
"My wife has more than kept her girlish figure... She's doubled it!"
17 jokes
Requested in Education by MEl1a
Why did the boy bring a ladder to school? To go to high school
17 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by MC Jester
What did the big bucket say to the little bucket? You look a...
16 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by JustMe
Knock knock Who's there? Thermos Thermos who? Thermos be a better...
15 jokes
Requested in Childrens & Clean by MC Jester
Why don't cows ever have any money? The farmers milk them dry!