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User Jokester

Member for: 12 years
Rank: Joker
Name: Nicholas
Location: LA
My Smart Joke:
Interests (Hobbies, Movies, TV, etc.): Fishing and gardening
Image URL:
Stuff About Me That Isn't Boring: Hello fellow jokesters, I'm from a little town in Louisiana. My family likes to shoots the breeze and share the latest jokes we've heard. Figured I could share them with yall here as well.

In my spare time I fish and garden. My wife is always hollering that one of these days the roses are going to bloom with fishheads on 'em! That's the day I retire.

Activity by Jokester

Score: 2,201 points (ranked #4)
Requests: 55
Jokes: 459
Voted on: 15 jokes
Gave out: 15 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 70 up votes, 0 down votes

Recent activity by Jokester

3 jokes
Shared in Society & Nature
Why do Americans choose from just two people to run for president...
4 jokes
Shared in Travel & Places
A bus is a vehicle that runs twice as fast when you are after it...
1 Joke
Shared in Health & Beauty
A man stands on the bathroom scale sucking in his stomach. Wife:...
2 jokes
What holds the sun up in the sky? Sunbeams
2 jokes
What holds the sun up in the sky? Sunbeams
4 jokes
Shared in Science & Tech
When do astronauts eat? At launch time!
4 jokes
Shared in Society & Nature
What season is it when you're on a trampoline? Spring-time
23 jokes
Shared in Childrens & Clean
Not all men are annoying. Some are dead.