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Cat jokes

Requested in Society & Nature by MC Jester
edited by MC Jester

19 Jokes

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What cat should you never play games against?
A cheetah!
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What do you call a cat that eats lemons?
A sourpuss
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What happened when the cat swallowed a coin?
There was money in the kitty.
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Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
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What is a cat's way of keeping law and order?
Claw enforcement
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What's smarter than a cat that can count?
A spelling bee
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What does a cat do when it gets mad?
It has a hissy fit.
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What time is it when a dozen cats chase a mouse?
12 after 1!
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In what kind of weather is a vet busiest?
When it's raining cats and dogs.
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If there are 10 cats on a boat and 1 jumps off, how many cats are left on the boat?
None, they were copy cats.
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What do you call a cat wearing shoes?
Puss in Boots
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"My cat can talk. I asked her what 2 minus 2 was and she said nothing."
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What do you call it if you throw a baby cat out of a car?
Kitty litter
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What did the cat do after eating cheese?
It sat by the mouse hole with baited breath.
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Why did the mother cat move her kittens?
She didn't want to litter.
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How do you know when your cat's done cleaning himself?
He's smoking a cigarette.
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Why do cats like to hear other cats make noise?
It's meow-sic to their ears!
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What kinds of cats like to go bowling?
Alley cats
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How do you make a cat drink?
Put it in a blender and strain off the fur.
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