Clean Fish jokes


14 Jokes

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Where do fish keep their money?
In river banks
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edited by MC Jester
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What do fish play on the piano?
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Why don't fish play tennis?
They might get caught in the net.
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Why are fish so smart?
They live in schools.
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If fish lived on land, which country would they live in?
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Where do you find the most fish?
Between the head and tail
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What is a fish without an eye?
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Why do fish live in salt water?
Because pepper makes them sneeze
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How do you make a goldfish old?
Take away the g
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Which day of the week do fish hate?
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What was King Arthur's favorite fish?
The swordfish
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Where do fish sleep?
In a river bed
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How do you communicate with a fish?
Drop him a line!
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Do jellyfish get gas from eating jellybeans?
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