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IRS jokes

Requested in Jobs & Business by MC Jester
edited by MC Jester

9 Jokes

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The IRS is the place that tells you "watch your step" going in and "watch your language" going out!
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The Post Office just recalled their latest stamp design. They feature pictures of IRS agents on them and people couldn't figure out which side to spit on.
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What's the difference between an IRS agent and a mosquito?
One's a bloodsucking parasite and the other is an insect.
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What do you throw to a drowning IRS agent?
His co-workers
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What did the terrorist that hijacked an airplane full of IRS agents do?
He threatened to release one every hour if they didn't meet his demands.
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New slogan of the IRS: We've got what it takes to take what you've got.
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Don't steal. The IRS hates competition!
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The IRS... Be audit you can be.
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T-Shirt: Stamp Out Crime... Abolish the IRS.

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