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Michael Jackson jokes


7 Jokes

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Why did Michael Jackson call Boyz II Men?
He thought they were a home delivery service.
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Michael Jackson and the doctor were walking out of the delivery room after his wife gave birth to their son. Michael said to the doctor "how long before we can have sex?" The doctor replied "at least wait until he's walking!"
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How many Michael Jacksons did it take to screw in a light bulb?
None. He only screwed little boys.
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How did Michael Jackson pick his nose?
He chose it from a catalog at the plastic surgeon's office.
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Why did Michael Jackson get food poisoning?
He ate a 10-year old wiener.
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What did the woman at the beach say to Michael Jackson?
"Hey, get out of my son!"
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Why did Michael Jackson like 28-year-olds?
Because there were 20 of them!
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