Clean Cow jokes


15 Jokes

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What do you call a cow that's just had a baby?
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How did cows feel when the branding iron was invented?
They were very impressed.
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What do you call cattle with a sense of humor?
A laughing stock.
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Where do milkshakes come from?
Nervous cows
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"My first attempt at milking a cow was an udder disaster!"
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Why don't cows ever have any money?
The farmers milk them dry!
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What do you call a cow that eats your grass?
A lawn moo-er
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What do you call a cow in an earthquake?
A milkshake
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How do cows entertain themselves?
They rent moo-vies.
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Why do cows like being told jokes?
They like being amoosed!
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What do you get when you cross a cow and a duck?
Milk and quackers
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Where do cows go on holiday?
Moo York
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What did the cow who crossed the road say to the other cow who didn't?
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What do you use to count cows?
A cowculator
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What do you call a cow that doesn't give milk?
A milk dud
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