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Cow jokes

Requested in Society & Nature by MC Jester
edited by MC Jester

14 Jokes

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What do you call a cow that twitches?
Beef jerky.
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Why do cows have bells?
Because their horns don't work.
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What do you call a cow with no legs?
Ground beef!
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What kind of coffee does a cow who just gave birth drink?
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What do you get from a pampered cow?
Spoiled milk
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What do you call a cow with 2 legs?
Lean beef
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What has one horn and gives milk?
A milk truck
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If a cow laughs does milk come out of its nose?
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Milking a cow is easy. Any jerk can do it!
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To err is human, to moo bovine.
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What do you get from a cow with a split personality?
Half and half
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Do cows have calf muscles?
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How does a cow add and subtract?
With a cowculator
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