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Latest jokes in Entertainment & Arts

1 Joke
Requested by Argo
How many stuntmen does it take to screw in a light bulb? Five. One...
4 jokes
Requested by Argo
What does a guitar player do when he locks his keys in his car? He...
1 Joke
Requested by Argo
How many bluegrass musicians does it take to screw in a light...
2 jokes
Requested by Argo
A friend of mine asked "what do movie actually producers do?" I...
2 jokes
Requested by Argo
What is the definition of wicker box? What Elmer Fudd wants to do...
1 Joke
Requested by Argo
What would Elvis be doing if he were alive today? Scratching like...
5 jokes
Requested by Argo
Why did the pianist hit his head on the keyboard? He was playing...
1 Joke
Requested by Argo
Why don't they know where Mozart is buried? Because he's Haydn!
1 Joke
Requested by Argo
What do you get when you play a new age song backwards? A new age...
6 jokes
Requested by Argo
What's the difference between a viola and an onion? No one cries...
2 jokes
Requested by Argo
You might be a redneck if you once got on to Jeopardy but then you...
9 jokes
Requested by Argo
What was Beethoven's favorite fruit? BANANANAAAAA!
3 jokes
Requested by Argo
What is the definition of an optimist? A folk musician with a...
1 Joke
Requested by Argo
How many directors does it take to screw in a light bulb? Just one...
14 jokes
Requested by Argo
Actors may be the ones on the stage, but the techs shine brighter.
6 jokes
Requested by MC Jester
"I used to be a writer but I couldn't stand the paperwork."
9 jokes
Requested by MC Jester
why cant you see the invisible man? hes busy getting pussy
2 jokes
Requested by MC Jester
how come i wanna die? cause i wanna die
3 jokes
Requested by MC Jester
Experts say that although Frank Sinatra is dead his act is still...
2 jokes
Requested by MC Jester
How do you know a corpse is angry? It flips its lid!