Latest jokes in Childrens & Clean

42 jokes
Requested by Argo
39 jokes
Requested by JustMe
What is the difference between a man buying a lottery ticket and a...
1 Joke
Requested by a contributor
If women don't fool around and men don't fool around, who are the...
5 jokes
Requested by a contributor
Scientists have just discovered something that does the work of...
12 jokes
Requested by a contributor
Husband: What would you like for your 40th birthday? A diamond...
29 jokes
1 Joke
Requested by a contributor
Did you hear about the underwater snooker player? He was a pool shark.
5 jokes
Requested by Argo
Golfer: "Caddy, how do you like my game?" Caddy: "Very good sir,...
3 jokes
Requested by Argo
Why do some men name their penis? They don't like having a...
2 jokes
Requested by JustMe
How is a heart like a musician? They both have a beat.
3 jokes
Requested by NumeroOcho
How do you keep a skunk from smelling? Plug his nose.
3 jokes
Requested by Argo
What is orange and sounds like a parrot? A carrot
6 jokes
Requested by Argo
Is a halfback more valuable than a quarterback?
3 jokes
Requested by Argo
What do a witch and a candle have in common? They are both wicked.
17 jokes
Requested by MC Jester
What did the big bucket say to the little bucket? You look a...
13 jokes
Requested by Argo
Why do Mexicans have small steering wheels? So they can drive with...
3 jokes
Requested by Argo
What do you get when you cross a puppy and a cantaloupe? A...
40 jokes
Requested by Argo
Why do giraffes have long neckss? cause they are compensating for...
3 jokes
Requested by Argo
What do you call poop that comes from a bull? BULLSHIT
3 jokes
Requested by Argo
Why was the willow weeping? He was unpoplar.