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Horny jokes

Requested in Relationships & Family by a contributor
edited by MC Jester

3 Jokes

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What do you call a horny fish?
A blowfish
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What is the difference between a regular toad and a horny toad?
One says "ribbit, ribbit" and the other says "rubbit, rubbit!"
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Roses are red,
Violets are corny,
When I think of you,
Oh baby I get horny,
Eat me,
Beat Me,
Bite me,
Blow me,
Suck me,
Fuck me,
Very slowly,
If you kiss me,
Don't be sassy,
Use your tongue and make it nasty!

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Requested in Relationships & Family by a contributor
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Requested in Relationships & Family by a contributor
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Requested in Relationships & Family by a contributor